two thousand years ago, JESUS walked around in a body here on earth and said to HIS disciples, "I'm going to go back to heaven but when I go, I'm going to come back to earth in another form, in the form of a spirit, so I can be with you and in you." that's the HOLY SPIRIT. JESUS CHRIST coming in another form. HE called the HOLY SPIRIT the comforter. one of the jobs of the HOLY SPIRIT is to comfort us.
so when i invited JESUS CHRIST into my life i said, i commit myself to YOU. i want to get to know YOU better.
now i'm not talking about religion. you may be catholic, protestant, jewish, whatever. i'm talking about relationship.
you see, JESUS put HIS SPIRIT in my life. i don't always feel HIM all the time, but HE strengthens me to make it through the tough times in life. HE helps me out.
the HOLY SPIRIT comes into your life, not to make you some kind of religious fanatic, not to scare you, not to turn you into some kind of an oddball, but to comfort you and help you become what GOD wants you to become. you don't have to be afraid of that.
i didn't feel any different when i made the commitment. but i have noticed the results over the years in my life, when i didn't think i could make it anymore.
and you can have that same power in your life. HE wants to live in you. HE wants to be your friend. HE wants to have a relationship with you so that when the tough tragedies of life come you have some inner strength.
romans 15.13 (phillips translation), may the GOD of hope fill you will all joy ... that by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT, your whole life and outlook may be radiant with hope.
when you invite GOD to put HIS SPIRIT in your life, your whole life and outlook may be radiant with hope. and that's what you need, something to hope in.
just a thought from the front porch…
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