Monday, September 7, 2009

what needs will GOD supply?...

philippians 4.19 (niv), and my GOD will supply all your needs according to HIS glorious riches in CHRIST JESUS.

now it is important to see that this verse doesn't include the consequences of laziness. GOD doesn't say you go out and waste your money on luxuries then when you don't have enough money to pay for your needs, i'll supply them. GOD hasn't agreed to do that. HE doesn't bankroll foolishness. if i blow all my money in some area and my needs aren't being met and i say, GOD, your promise isn't true! that's not GOD's fault. HE's not promised to bankroll foolishness.

what has GOD promised? what is covered in this verse? well, what is covered in this verse is all legitimate needs. and that covers a lot of material.

do you have a financial need? if you're a faithful giver you have every right to ask GOD to meet your financial needs. if you're not a faithful giver you have no right, because you're not meeting the premise. how about physical needs, health needs, relational needs, emotional needs, any kind of needs? GOD promises to meet all your needs.

if that's true what does that leave for me to worry about? nothing. GOD says "I assume responsibility for my children's needs to be met." if you're a child of GOD and you're meeting the premise you can count on it.

just a thought from the front porch..

1 comment:

Leta said...


I enjoyed your comments this morning on God supplying our needs. I like the point you made about spending your money on other things, instead of paying your obligations first, and then expecting God to meet your needs? The prodigal son did that. He left home with his riches and spent it all foolishly then had to pay some consequences first before being received back again by his father. God expects us to be wise with the money that he has intrusted to us. Yes, he wants to help us in our need but he needs our allegience too. Blessings coming your way Bill!