so you’ve been hurt. the moment that you start retaliating, that you start seeking revenge, that you start trying to get even, you give up control of your life. you are no longer in control. you are reacting, not acting and that's a position of weakness. JESUS said the meek person knows how to let it go.
one of the clear examples in the bible is moses. numbers 12 he was being criticized and insulted and put down. the issue was that he married a black lady, zipporah was from ethiopia. it was an interracial marriage and moses' brother and sister didn't like it. they were griping. but moses refused to defend himself. he said, "GOD, i'm going to let you take care of this."
GOD always has better ways of getting even than we do. GOD said to miriam, "you like white skin? how about a lot of it?" and HE gave her leprosy. moses did not say a word. he would not retaliate.
GOD says be an actor not a reactor in how we respond to life. meekness is the ability to handle a hurt without retaliating.
just a thought from the front porch…
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