Saturday, April 17, 2010

will you trust HIM?...

jeremiah 2.13 (ncv), MY people have done two evils. they have turned away from ME, the spring of living water and they’ve dug their own wells, which are broken wells and cannot hold water

GOD is not going to bless all those other plans you’ve tried to force on HIM, all those other wells you have tried to dig.

some of you right now are struggling with financial pressure in your life and the temptation is to cut corners, to be unscrupulous, stop tithing, cheat on your taxes, do an unethical business deal, anything to get out of debt. you’re building a well that isn’t going to hold water.

some of you right now have tremendous sexual tension and pressure in your life. you think you’re going to explode that you’ve got to have a mate! even though GOD has been very, very clear and says sex is only for marriage (HE’s very clear in scripture about this) you come up with every kind of rationalization you can think of: “we’re both CHRISTians… we love each other…” etc., etc. you’re digging a well that’s going to break your heart. count on it. GOD is not mocked.

some of you are under enormous emotional pressure. you don’t turn to GOD. you reach for that bottle! or you go to the medicine cabinet for those prescription medicines. and you’re digging a well that’s not going to hold any water. it’s a quick fix. it doesn’t solve the problem.

what’s the antidote? isaiah 50.10b (nlt), if you’re walking in darkness without a ray of light, trust in the LORD, and rely on your GOD.

this is a test! GOD is going to see when you’re under stress are you going to turn to HIM or are you going to turn to other things? it’s a test. will you trust HIM?

just a thought from the front porch…

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