Monday, May 3, 2010

be quiet and then talk...

there are some secrets to practicing the presence of GOD, and the first one is to invite JESUS into your life. and then you need to be quiet. just be quiet. close your mouth and don't talk.

i believe the reason why so many people never feel GOD's presence is because they're too busy. they're too distracted. they've always got their radio or ipod on. too much noise. the bible says in psalms be still and know that i am GOD. paschal said, “most of man's problems come from his inability to set still.” just be quiet.

several times a day, “tune in and drop out”. tune in to GOD's presence and drop out of the environment around you. just say, “GOD i realize that YOU are present with me right now, that YOU are by me, with me, and in me” if i'm a believer. tune in to HIS presence. take these little breaks during the day to be quiet and recognize that no matter where you are GOD is with you.

the bible says in james 4.8 (niv), draw near to GOD and HE'll draw near to you. as you tune in to HIM you'll begin to be aware. HE's always there but you have to be aware of it.

and then talk to GOD about everything. just pray about anything and ask him for help. the bible says in 1 thessalonians 5.17 (niv), pray without ceasing. pray continually.

how do you do that? how can i get on with life and be continually in prayer? do i walk around fumbling a rosary all day or stay in the lotus position? how do i do that?

it's talking about maintaining a continual conversation with GOD. talk to HIM about anything. walk outside in the morning, “LORD, it's a beautiful day!” you get in your car, “oh, LORD, i'm low on gas.” as you're driving, “GOD, these are some things i'm thankful for.” talk to him about everything. – a continual conversation with the companion who is always with you. that's what it means to pray without ceasing.

the bible says in psalms 62.9 (niv), trust HIM at all times and pour out your heart to HIM. you maintain an ongoing conversation with HIM at all points.

some of you say, “when i pray i feel like my prayers never get above the ceiling.” surprise! GOD is below the ceiling. HE's right next to you. HE reads your mind the moment you think it. HE knows what you're going to think before you even think it. you don't have to have these super duper pious prayers that blast off from earth and get a million light years away up to GOD in heaven on HIS throne. HE is right there. you don't have to feel like you're getting them up to heaven. you just think it; HE knows it. so you talk to him about everything.

just a thought from the front porch…

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