Tuesday, December 21, 2010

feel like you’re home no matter where you are…

some of us at CHRISTmas time stand in front of temporary shelters that look like nativity scenes. we see loving people huddled around a baby in a wooden manger, and we wonder if maybe GOD's SON, the CHRISTmas CHILD, will be able to address the needs that our homes once met, but maybe this time HE'll address those needs in a permanent way and in a perfect way. and to those who are wondering about those kinds of things today, listen to me carefully.

the bible says that GOD knows you. HE knows your name. it's been on HIS lips 10,000 times, and it was on HIS lips again today. GOD thought about you today several times, and GOD knows your needs. HE knows that you have a deep need for a lasting sense of safety. HE knows that about you. HE also knows that earthly relationships are vulnerable and only meet that belonging need in a partial way.

and so GOD says to each of you this CHRISTmas, “I know you and you matter to ME, and through the CHRISTmas child, MY SON JESUS CHRIST, I will make a way for you to belong to ME.” through JESUS' redeeming work on the cross, GOD says, “MY SON will pave the way for repentant people like you to become members of MY family, MY eternal family, and once you're adopted into MY family, you will belong to me throughout this life and on through eternity."

many of us know what it means to belong to GOD. we know that personally, and it's a powerful feeling. many of us know what it's like to be eternally attached to the GOD of the universe in a warm father-son, father-daughter kind of way, and it sort of makes you feel like you're home no matter where you are. you feel like you're home because you know you belong.

you belong to GOD.

beyond that, GOD says to all of us this CHRISTmas: “I know you, and I know that you need a sense of safety. I know the world situation; I know the economic uncertainties. I know that right now, planet earth is a scary place to live. but fear not,” God says. HE says that 360 times or more in scripture. fear not.

just a thought from the front porch...

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