Wednesday, February 2, 2011

took the very worst and created the very best…

an illustration of the fact that GOD takes something negative and makes a positive is that GOD took the absolutely worst thing that ever happened in the history of the world and created the very best thing that ever happened in the history of the world.

GOD took the death of CHRIST on the cross and through that opened up heaven for people like you and me who if we say yes to JESUS CHRIST we can spend eternity with HIM. HE took the very worst thing and created the very best thing. then the question becomes, how can we not say that in our individual lives GOD can’t take whatever circumstances we’ve gone through and create something good from them. if HE can do that, can HE not take my experience and draw something good? i think HE can and the bible says HE will.

also remember that the day is coming when suffering will cease and evil will be judged.

a lot of times you hear people say, “there are people suffering in this world this very moment. why doesn’t HE come back right now and cause suffering to cease and to judge evil?”

to criticize GOD for not coming back yet is almost like taking a john grisham novel, reading the first third of the book and then throwing it away and say, “what a stupid book! he didn’t tie up all the loose ends of the plot.”

wait a second! the book’s not done and GOD promises the day is coming when HE will consummate history and then evil will be judged. we think of jonbennet ramsey and what a horrible thing – an innocent child murdered and somebody’s apparently gotten away with murder. but they haven’t gotten away with murder. GOD will judge that person and they will be held accountable for the crimes they’ve committed. they’re not getting away with murder.

so why doesn’t GOD come back now? because of HIS love. look at 2 peter 9.3 (niv), the LORD is not slow in keeping HIS promise as some understand slowness. HE is patient with you not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

GOD is holding back the curtain of history, holding back the consummation of history because of some of you reading this who don’t know HIM yet. and if GOD were to come back at this time you would be shut out of knowing HIM. you’d be shut out of heaven forever. the reason GOD hasn’t come back yet is an expression of HIS unbelievable love for you. HE is giving you a chance.

just a thought from the front porch…

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