Thursday, March 17, 2011

created and acceptable…

what does GOD say about me?  psalm 8.5 (tev), YOU, GOD, made man inferior only to YOUrself.  YOU crowned him with glory and honor.  i was created by GOD and GOD does not make junk. 

not only was i created by GOD but CHRIST has made me acceptable. ephesians 1.4 (tlb), through what CHRIST did for us HE decided to make us holy in HIS eyes.  without a single fault we stand before GOD covered with his love.

that is a great verse!  we are acceptable to GOD, not because of what we've done, because we could never be good enough to be acceptable to a perfect GOD. but through what JESUS CHRIST has done.  HE died on the cross, paid for all our sins, covered us with HIS love.  GOD looks down and says, “what JESUS did was acceptable.  you are acceptable.” all i have to do is accept what HE's done for me. one of the most amazing truths is that GOD knows every single thing about me and still loves me.  GOD knows every single thing about you, every thought you've had and HE still loves you.  that is amazing.

i was created by GOD.  CHRIST has made me acceptable and if GOD says i'm ok, i'm ok.  2 corinthians 10.18 (ph), it is not self‑commendation that matters, it is winning the approval of GOD!  he says it doesn't matter what i say about myself, it doesn't matter what other people say about me, what counts is what GOD says about me.  if GOD says i'm ok, then i'm ok. 

just a thought from the front porch…


Setyo-Utomo Said said...

Like your blog with great content. Thanks for sharing it.

Healing Leaf said...

I aways used to love reading about Gideon in Judges 6 because in verse 12 the Lord's angel refers to Gideon as a "mighty warrior" even though Gideon was not a mighty warrior just yet... however he was going to be. God saw not what Gideon was, but what he was going to be... I loved that, I realized that God sees out hearts, and even though we fail in so many things, He has made us and knows what He has in store for us.
Thanks for sharing!

Problogger said...

Quite impressive content..
thanx for sharing