HE is my salvation. david knew that no matter what happened, GOD would always love him. the bible says nothing can separate me from the love of GOD. the bible says, I will never leave you nor forsake you. it doesn't matter if somebody else rejects you, GOD won't. GOD will always love you. HE will always accept you.
now your fear of rejection is based and rooted in two things. one is the idea that we all need to be loved. that's a fact. we do. we all desperately need massive doses of love in our life to be healthy individuals. and GOD says, “i want to love you.” GOD is love.
you need to be loved. that is a deep profound need that you have. we all have that need to be loved. but what causes the fear of rejection is the false idea that we think that other people ought to be able to fully meet that need in our lives. when you expect somebody else to meet all your need for love, you're asking for trouble. you're setting yourself up for hurt. you're setting yourself for the fear of rejection. when you look to any other person besides GOD to meet all your love needs, they can't. there is no human being alive that can meet all your needs. there is no human being alive that can love you as completely and as fully as you need to be loved. there's just isn't and there never will be. only GOD can do that.
one step in overcoming the fear of rejection is you've got to put GOD in first place because HE's the only one who can ultimately meet all your needs.
does GOD ever use other people? sure. does GOD ever love us through other people? of course. does GOD want us to love others? yes. does HE want to use us as channels of love? absolutely.
but, you will never have all your needs met by any person or group of people. GOD never meant it to be that way. they just don't have enough love. human love is limited. GOD’s love is unlimited, unconditional. no matter how deep your need is, HE can fill it. and HE never runs dry. human beings run dry.
just a thought from the front porch…
I think the most important thing is that you love yourself. I know it sounds corny and cliche, but I think its what really fulfils us spiritually and emotionally. I don't think other people can give us the type of love that we can give to ourselves and I think it is crucial to enable us to love others. I know Christians believe that "god dwells within you," I always liked that concept because it allows you to become more in touch with yourself, more aware of your needs and gain a deeper understanding of who you are.
thanks for your comment, lauren.
Thank you so much for this post. I can feel rejected by so many people, but if I trust God and know HE loves me, I will be okay. I "know" that, but do not really "believe" it in my heart yet. Working on it.
it does take time for the emotions to catch up with the mind but it can be done. but it does come.
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