Saturday, May 7, 2011

sleep and your faith…

now in this scheduling and managing your time the bible tells us that GOD rested when HE made creation.  HE didn’t have to but HE wanted to give us an example of how important this is in our schedule.  so the key decision in our daily schedule and plan according to GOD is i will rest. 

i like what the bible says about our daily rest.  HE’s made us to need daily rest as well as take a day a week of rest.  psalm 127.2 (msg), it’s useless to rise early and go to bed late and work your worried fingers to the bone.  don’t you know HE enjoys giving rest to those HE loves.  in the idea of rest there is sleep.  did you know GOD enjoys watching you sleep? 

those of you who are parents of a five-year-old can believe that!  they get up, their motor starts running, it runs all day long till the very end of the day, they lay their head down on the bed and go to sleep.  you look at them and say, “they look so peaceful!”

at the end of the day, that’s what GOD says about you sometimes.  they’re so worried about so many things – look at them!  they look so peaceful!  GOD enjoys watching you sleep.  some of you are so worn out right now GOD would enjoy just watching you sleep right now.  take a nap! 

GOD enjoys watching us sleep.  i don’t know all the reasons HE made us to sleep every day but i know one.  when you sleep each day it’s a daily reminder that GOD is getting things done even when you’re not at work.  HE’s doing things in your mind, HE’s doing things in this world, HE’s doing things in your relationships, – even when you’re asleep HE is at work.  i need a daily reminder of that.  and sleep reminds me of that.  GOD has designed us that we’re to sleep daily.  and HE’s commanded us to take a day of rest each week. 

just a thought from the front porch…

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