Wednesday, May 4, 2011

a very valuable gift…

time is a very valuable gift from GOD.  HE gives each one of us 24 hours in a day and 1,440 minutes in a day and 86,400 seconds in a day and 168 hours in a week. time is a gift. 

but for the most part we treat time more as a commodity than a gift.  time as a commodity is it’s something to be saved, it’s something to be earned, it is something to be invested.  but time is a gift.  it is something to be treasured.  it is something to be used for GOD’s glory.  it is something to be enjoyed.  the truth is every second of life that you and i have is a gift, given to us by GOD. 

three definitions of time management.  see which one best fits maybe the way you’ve been managing your time.

1.  time management is the art of squeezing more out of every hour of each day.  for a lot of people that’s all that it is.  but that’s not enough.

2.  time management is the art of being less stressed about the pressures of everyday life.  although it’s great to be less stressed that is not the only object of time management.

i want to present to you a third definition:

3.  time management is the art of treasuring and using my days as gifts of GOD.

if during these few minutes together here on the porch you could make one small step in that direction, our time will not have been wasted.  realize, if you could take one step in the direction of saying, “my time is a gift,” it may be the most counter cultural decision you make in your life.  everything in our culture pushes in the opposite direction.  time uses you.  you’ve got to get everything you can out of it.  but if you could take one small step in the direction of saying, “it’s a gift given by GOD.  i’m grateful for it.  i want to use it in a different way.  i want to enjoy it in a different way.”  you may never feel more like a salmon swimming upstream but you may never make a decision that makes greater impact on your life and heart.   

just a thought from the front porch…

1 comment: said...

so true, everything we have is a gift from God =)