Tuesday, May 3, 2011

GOD has not promised…

2 corinthians 1.9-10 (niv), but this happened so we might not rely on ourselves but on GOD who raises the dead!  HE has delivered us...HE will deliver us ... (and) we have set our hope that HE will continue to deliver us.

so how does GOD deliver us?

HE uses circumstantial deliverance, personal deliverance and the ultimate deliverance, heaven. 

GOD has not promised to remove all of your pain in this world.  GOD has not promised to solve every one of your problems in the way you want them to be solved.  GOD has not promised to keep all of your loved ones alive for the rest of your life.  they will die.  there is pain in the world.  there is sorrow. 

GOD has not promised that everything is going to work out the way you want it to.  this is not heaven; it’s earth.  because we are on earth, there is pain and sorrow and suffering. 

the ultimate deliverance will be one day in heaven where there will be no pain, no sorrow, no suffering, no heartache anymore.  the world hopes for the best but JESUS is your best hope. 

when you think “it’s not happening” you need to realize there is a word for deliverance in the bible.  that word is salvation.  salvation means deliverance.  JESUS is your SAVIOR, your DELIVERER.  if you are saved it means you are delivered.  the ultimate deliverance is heaven.

there is only one way to get to heaven.  JESUS said, i am the way, the truth and the life.  no one comes to the FATHER but by me.  when you’re at a dead-end, JESUS can take that hopeless end and turn it into an endless hope. 

are you at a dead-end?  i invite you to take that problem, that situation, and your own life and give them to JESUS CHRIST.  HE may not deliver you in the way you think, but HE will deliver you if you will trust HIM.  let him to it today.

just a thought from the front porch…

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