GOD’s put HIS story into HIS word so you and i can face those times of life that all of us have to face. what do i do?
1. you live the dream. even on the way down, even when it doesn’t seem like it’s real, you live the dream even though you don’t see the dream.
2. resist the temptation. waiting is filled with times of temptation. temptations can really come when you’re waiting. not when you’re working for the LORD and there’s a lot to do but it’s in those down times of life.
one of the real dangers of any kind of waiting is temptation. you’re a prime candidate because of the frustration, because of the doubt, because of the untapped time. if you think you can’t be tempted or you think you’re past this thing of temptation look at this quote from an old clergyman: “sex, money and pride. those are the three areas i think satan attacks GOD’s servants on.” billy graham is not a model of integrity because he felt like he was beyond temptation. he’s a model of integrity because he realized he could be tempted just like everybody else. that’s one of the keys.
JESUS was tempted. HE never succumbed to temptation but HE was tempted. what makes you and i think that we’re somehow beyond temptation? forget that! and when you’re tempted don’t let satan tell you, “because you’re tempted you should feel like you sinned anyway. just the fact that you were tempted, why don’t you feel as dirty as if you’d sinned?” when satan tells you that one just say, “that’s a lie! JESUS was tempted and yet HE never sinned and because of the power of CHRIST in me i can make that choice too.”
every one of us – you’re going to face temptation in your life as a believer. satan’s going to send it your way. when it comes don’t fall for the trap, “as long as i was tempted, i may as well sin anyway!” that's a trap. don’t fall for it.
just a thought from the front porch…
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