Wednesday, March 28, 2012

GOD’s children trust HIM…

listen, GOD’s children trust HIM.  that’s what marks one of GOD’s children.  So, how do you need to trust GOD?  i invite you to pray along with me, recognizing GOD for who HE is in your life and asking for GOD’s peace.  just make a place there with you and GOD and just take a moment to stop from everything in life and talk to HIM.

let’s pray…

FATHER in heaven, today i choose to make YOUr name something more than just to talk about.  i choose to trust in YOUr name.  i trust YOU as my SAVIOR.  that’s your name.  i trust YOU as the one who is willing to forgive my sins.  i trust YOU as my LORD.  that’s YOUr name.  one who’s willing to lead and guide my life, who has the power to make me the kind of person YOU created me to be.  i trust YOU as my provider.  i trust YOU as my healer.  i trust YOU as my rock of security.  i trust YOU as my FATHER in heaven.  and i pray that YOUr name, YOUr character, will be recognized as of greatest importance in my life.  may my life be a continual invitation for others to join YOUr family.  i pray this in JESUS’ name.  amen.

just a thought from the front porch…

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