Tuesday, March 20, 2012

one of GOD’s favorite descriptions for HIMself

one of GOD’s favorite descriptions for HIMself is rock.  HE knows that we all need something to stand on and that GOD’s greatness is that rock. 

psalm 18.31 (nlt) says it this way, who but our GOD is a solid rock.  there’s really nothing else solid like GOD that you can stand on and be secure in no matter what. 

when life is unfair GOD is our rock.  when life seems unmanageable – i don’t know where to turn next – GOD is our rock.  when things are falling apart all around me – GOD is my rock.  when i feel threatened – GOD is my rock.

i know simon and garfunkle used to sing that song a long time go i am a rock.  no they weren’t and no you’re not.  you might be a pebble, maybe a grain of sand.  we aren’t a rock but we need a rock.  we need the rock solid security of GOD’s love for us and the fact that we can stand on that love. 

psalm 31.3 (nlt), YOU are my rock and my fortress.  for the honor of YOUr name lead me out of this peril. 

one of the ways GOD honors HIS name is by leading us through and out of the difficulties of life.  he won’t always do it as quickly as you would like but HE will always lead you out of it.  and as HE does that HE’s showing himself to be the rock of security that people need in this world. 

earlier we wrote down, GOD is greater than my biggest problem, and you might be thinking, what if my biggest problem is me?  what if my biggest problem is my own heart, the struggle i have within, maybe my own insecurity, maybe my own guilt or maybe my own sense of inadequacy in this world?  what if that’s my biggest problem? 

look at this verse 1 john 3.20 in the message paraphrase, GOD is greater than our worried heart and HE knows more about us than we do ourselves. 

there are some days when i need to lean on the rock of that truth.  i need to lean on that truth when i feel insecure and wonder how i’m going to make it, i can lean on the truth that GOD is greater and HE understands me more than anyone else and says HE has a future for me.  HE has a plan for my life.  even when i don’t see the plan i can lean on the truth that GOD has a plan.  even when i feel like i don’t know if GOD can forgive me GOD says, “I know you better than you know yourself and I’ve said I can forgive you.” 

some of you right now need to lean on that truth, that the GOD who knows you better than you know yourself loves you more than anyone else.

just a thought from the front porch… 

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