Wednesday, April 25, 2012

the cure for anxiety…

there was this story of a couple who were getting a divorce.  the man was a ceo of a large communications company and his net worth was five billion dollars.  he was saying i don’t want to go through all the legal hassles so he said to his wife, “i’ll just give you a billion dollars to make you go away.”  and she flatly refused.  she said “i won’t settle for anything less that 2.5 billion.”  what can you buy for 2.5 billion that you can’t buy for a billion?  maybe an aircraft carrier.

it just verifies the words of proverbs 27.20 (ncv), people will never stop dying and being destroyed and they will never stop wanting more than they have. 

in many ways this simple phrase, give us this day our daily bread, in the modal prayer of JESUS, is the antidote for materialism.  it’s the cure for the anxiety of trying to keep up with everybody else around you.  it’s the medicine i need to keep me from lusting after the things of this world that really aren’t about my needs.  they’re really just about my wants. 

this whole prayer, the LORD’s prayer is about us saying to GOD, i recognize YOU as the source of providing for my needs.  and i’m here to declare my dependence upon YOU because YOU are a loving father and YOU’ll give me what i need today and YOU’ll meet my need.  but LORD help me to be content with what YOU give me.  help me to be content that YOU meet my needs.

in 1 timothy 6.6 (msg), paul says a devout life does bring wealth but it’s the rich simplicity of being yourself before GOD.  since we entered the world penniless and will leave it penniless if we have bread on the table and shoes on our feet that’s enough.

he says if you can say in this life i know GOD.  i am HIS child.  i have a relationship with HIM and i’ve got shoes on my feet and bread on my table and a roof over my head then you are rich.  and he says that is enough.  that is enough.

just a thought from the front porch… 


Rum-Punch Drunk said...

"Give us this day our daily bread" said in prayer by many but not heeded to by the majority.
If people just took the time to look around them, they will see that they have much more than is ever needed.

I saw a TV programme of an indigenous person from Papua New Guinea who was flown to England. It was the first time he had ever left his own country. He was shocked and could not understand why we as people, bulk-buy so much shopping every week only to then throw most of it away by the end of the week.
The waste was due to cooking too much food each day, not eating foods within time limits (sell by dates) etc etc.....

In his country they hunt in the jungle every day but only kill the food they need for that day. They do not store anything and all parts of the animal was used. He was quite disgusted by how we lived, not to mention he was confused at the amount of clothes we collect and don't wear and many other similar things.

This really opened up my eyes to being content in what I have. He was so happy with the little that he had.

Nice post Bill.

Bill Williams said...

thanks... God has provided enough food for the word to eat but the problem is some people won't share.