Saturday, May 5, 2012

keep short accounts…

one of the greatest barriers to inner peace without a doubt is guilt.  millions of people are tortured by guilt.  they are stuck in the past.  they are a slave to regrets, a slave to shame, a slave to things they can’t get out of their mind.  they don’t know how to get out of the past so that they can get on with their life in the present and get into the future.  you cannot have peace of mind and guilt at the same time.

noel coward, a well known british playwright and comedian in the 20th century, once played a prank on ten famous men in london. he sent each of these distinguished men the same note which read: “we know what you have done. if you don’t want to be exposed, leave town.” and within six months all ten men had moved out of london.

guilt is a powerful emotion; it holds us captive and excludes us from sharing an intimate relationship with GOD and others. while nothing more than a cruel prank noel coward’s note exposed the guilt each of the recipients carried. fear of exposure caused each of them to move so they could keep their sin hidden. what is the key to unlocking the chains of guilt that hold us captive? guilt and shame become a self-made prison that excludes us from entering into a life of inner peace and joy.

there’s only one antidote that takes care of guilt.  it’s found in matthew 6.12 (niv), forgive us our debts.

there’s only one antidote to guilt and it is forgiveness.  while other people may forgive you for things you did against them, but the only person who can forgive you all the personal sins in your life is GOD.  you need GOD’s forgiveness. 

listen, keep short accounts with GOD.  when you realize you’ve done something wrong, immediately go to HIM about it.  don’t let it pile up.  you might practice what a lot of people call “spiritual breathing.”  breathing out and breathing in spiritually.  when you breathe out you say, “GOD, i confess that i’ve done something wrong.  i realize this is a sin.”  then when you breathe in, “GOD, i receive your forgiveness.  i realize that you are a GOD who loves me and you are a GOD whose willing to forgive me.”

just a thought from the front porch…

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