Monday, August 27, 2012

it’s GOD’s idea…

do you realize that you will spend about 40% of your waking hours working?  if you are an average american, you will spend about 150,000 hours of your life at work.  so because that is true, then GOD must have something to say about your work. 

in ecclesiastes 3.9 (niv) about 3,000 years ago solomon asked this question, what does the worker gain from his toil?  in other words, why do you work?  good question.  why do you work?

some of you might say, “i have no idea why i work.”  others might say, i work to pay off my bills.  i owe, i owe, it's off to work i go.  in the election they are making a big deal about the fact that some people work just to pay their taxes. 

by the way, have you seen the new short form?  two lines, one says, how much did you make last year the other says, send it in.  someone said, my kids may be deductible but they are still taxing. 

others may say, i work to get rich, still others to retire.

well one of the purposes the bible says for work is it’s GOD’s idea.  it was HIS idea from the beginning.  look at genesis 1.27-28 (niv), GOD created man in HIS own image...male and female...and GOD said to them, “...fill the earth and subdue it.  rule over it...”   

folks, GOD is a worker.  and the bible says that you and i were made in HIS image so HE wants us to be a workers too.  you were created to work.

someone might say, but isn’t work the curse?  no it’s not.  GOD gave man a job to do even before sin entered the world.  

back in the very first chapter there in genesis, HE said, I want you to go out and rule the earth and then in the second chapter, HE says, I want you to tend the garden.  I want you to take care of it and folks, contrary to popular opinion the oldest profession is landscaping.

you see, GOD says I want you to work because you were created to work.  then what is the curse?  well in chapter three where sin entered the earth, GOD then said that your work would be painful.

just a thought from the front porch…


Pastor Jim said...

Good words, Bill. Toil for the Master!! Used to have "Genesis 2:15 Taking care of God's handiwork," across the top of my landscaping company's business cards. When people asked what I did for a living, I'd tell them I was in the oldest profession in the world. While they gave me "that look," I'd pull out a business card and hand it to them. Then I'd quote the verse. Was a lot of fun and they never forgot who we were. :-)

Bill Williams said...

thanks for sharing and reinforcing.