one of the most overlooked but maybe the
most utilized gift of GOD is the gift of free choice. GOD
could have chosen to make us robots, just puppets on a string that kind of act
at his bidding. but that’s not what he
did. instead GOD chose to create us as
intelligent men and women that have the freedom to make choices. and so the best way to use GOD’s gift is to
learn to make the best possible decisions.
some decisions are more complex because the
consequences of these decisions are more life altering. a single, happy, well-educated young woman, she
has a good job. she has a happy
life. but recently she’s found herself
being attracted to several of the single men at her church. should she get married? if so, which of these men should she
marry? she’s trying to make a good
we’ve all come to these crossroads in
our life. do i take ‘this’ career
path? do i take ‘that’ career path. do i stay put? do i move cross-country? decisions!
someone said decisions are the building
blocks of life. that your life really is
the sum total, brick upon brick, of the choices and the decisions you’ve
made. if your life is going well it’s
probably because you’ve made good choices.
if your life is going poorly it may be the result of poor decisions
you’ve made along the way.
JESUS told the story in matthew 7 about
two men who each went out to build a house.
they had decisions to make. one
man decided to build his house upon a sand foundation. the other man built his house on a stone
foundation. one house withstood storms
when they came, while the house on the sand collapsed. both had a decision. each decided something differently. and they each experienced a different
GOD gave me this fantastically powerful
gift that i have to choose what my life will be. and GOD has given you the some
responsibility. your life, the shape of
your life, will be based upon the bricks and the building materials you put in
place and the decisions that you make.
even those who are afraid to make
decisions – the indecisive types. you
just have a hard time coming to a decision, that is a decision. deciding not to decide is a decision that
you’ve made. and what happens in your
life will be a result of that decision.
just a thought from the front porch…
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