what’s rocking your boat today? what’s got you all shook up? what storm are you sailing through right
now? a financial storm? a relational storm? an emotional secret storm inside? and your heart is aching. is there a secret storm raging in your
what are the options? i can be filled with peace or i can be filled
with panic. JESUS CHRIST can calm the
restlessness in your heart.
the last verse in this story of the
unexpected storm after JESUS had said, “sit down and shut up!” and there was
the instant miracle of the storm vanishing it says in matthew 8.27 (niv), the men were amazed and asked, “what kind of
man is this? even the winds and the
waves obey him.” the answer is, HE was not a man. JESUS was GOD.
GOD came to earth as a man two thousand
years ago to show us what GOD is like.
HE was not just a good teacher.
HE was not just a prophet. all of
history was split into a.d. and b.c. when HE came to earth. what kind of man is this? HE’s not a man. HE’s GOD and HE will put HIS
spirit in your life so that HE will always be close to you and you will always
sense HIS care and you’ll know that HE’s in control and you can handle the
crises that are inevitably going to come.
you need to put JESUS in your boat.
what is in your boat? your boat may be filled with money. that’s not
enough security. you can lose it
all. you boat may be filled with a bunch
of friends. your boat may be filled with
dreams and ambitions. but when the
crisis comes, you can lose it all unless you have CHRIST in your boat – in your
just a thought from the front porch…
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