psalm 91.1-5 (good news), whoever goes to the LORD for safety and
protection can say to HIM, “YOU are my defender and protector. YOU are my GOD;
in YOU i trust.” HE will keep you safe
from all hidden danger. you need not
listen, we fear too much because we
trust GOD too little. the more i trust
GOD, the less i’m afraid of things.
JESUS said, “in the world, you will have tribulation.” that’s a fact of life. “but be
of good cheer for I have overcome the world.”
i haven't, but HE has. JESUS
CHRIST has overcome the world. HE’s got
the power.
let me ask you a question about this
story in matthew
8.23-27 of the unexpected storm. do you think that JESUS knew this storm was
coming when HE had them get in the boat and set sail? did HE know in advance the storm was
coming? yes. HE was GOD. HE knew all things. so if HE knew the storm
was coming, why did HE allow it? if HE
knew it in advance, why did HE allow this crisis? why didn’t HE at least warn those who put
their lives in HIS hands?
because HE wants to teach a truth. it’s a truth that i have to learn and that
you have to learn and it’s a truth that the only way we learn it is by
i can talk to you all day about it, but
the only way you’re going to learn this truth is by experience. and the truth is this: CHRIST
can be trusted in a crisis. and
the only way you’ll know that is when you go through the crisis and trust HIM. CHRIST can be trusted in a crisis.
when you’re going through a trial and
when you’re going through a crisis – some of you are heading into one right
now, some of you just got out of one, some of you are saying, “when’s the other
shoe going to drop?” – you need to remember three basic truths. GOD is always
with me, GOD always cares for me, GOD is always in control.
just a thought from the front porch…
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