here are the facts of fear:
1) fear occurs when we feel out of control. when we feel like we can’t control a
situation, we become afraid.
2) most of life is out of your
control. so you have a lot of things to
fear because most of life is out of your control.
3) the secret of overcoming fear is
faith in GOD.
JESUS in matthew 8.26 (niv) said, you of little faith. why are you so afraid? HE contrasts fear and faith. the antidote to fear is faith. fill your life with faith and the fear
here’s the point, one of these days you
have to come to the point in your life that you realize, “i can’t control
everything.” that’s a major step of maturity.
“i cannot control everything that happens in life. but i don’t have to.”
“it’s out of my control, but it’s not out
of GOD’s. and GOD is in control. HE’s close and HE cares and HE’s in control,
so i don’t have to sweat it.”
yes, there are many things that i can’t
control and that’s what makes a crisis a crisis. it comes unexpectedly, uncontrollably,
inevitably, in different varying shapes and sizes. but GOD has seen it and HE’s got it under
just a thought from the front porch…
Hi, thanks for sharing this. Just what I needed to be reminded of this morning. Have a blessed day.
Thank you so much for your faithfulness to share this. I needed it so much'
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