Monday, August 13, 2012

the more we come to know...

do you believe that the bible has the power to help you be what GOD wants you to be? 

a CHRISTian was debating an atheist on this very topic.  the atheist said, “i put no stock in the belief that mere words printed on an old page of an old book can in any way impart power to someone’s life.”  the CHRISTian said, “let me give you a scenario.  let’s suppose that you were driving through south central los angeles in the middle of the night by yourself without a cell phone and your car breaks down.  and let’s just suppose you’re on this dimly lit street, your hood is up and you have no idea what to do.  you think you’re by yourself until you hear some nose and some shuffling down this street and you see the images of ten large men walking in your direction.  would it make any difference to you at all to know that those ten men had just finished their weekly bible study?”  the atheist had to admit, “i suppose it would make a difference.”

the bible helps us to know who we are to be.  it’s in the pages of GOD’s word that we get the best look at JESUS CHRIST.  we read about HIS priorities and HIS value system.  we can study HIM.  it’s like holding the mirror up to our life.  we can say, “do HIS priorities match my priorities?  i need to make some adjustments.”  we tally up HIS value system and our value system.  looking in that mirror we can say, “i’m not yet as much like JESUS as i want to be.  i’m not acting like HIM in the way i want to be.  i’m not reacting the way JESUS would react.  so i still have some adjustments to make.”  that’s why bible teacher beth moore says, “keep looking into the mirror until you no longer see yourself but you see JESUS CHRIST.”

colossians 3:16 (tlb), let the words of CHRIST in all their richness, live in your heart and make you wise.  the more we come to know the word of the LORD, and the more we come to know the LORD of the word, the better our decisions will be.

just a thought from the front porch…

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