Tuesday, October 16, 2012

secret stress stabilizer…

if i want to have stability in my life, stability comes from building my life on GOD’s unchangeable word.  i don’t listen to the advise of my friends.  they may be just as wrong as i am.  but i build my life on something that will never, never change.  it is still consistent.  it will be consistent fifty years from now.

secret stress stabilizer:  if you want to have more stability in your life when you’re under stress memorize scripture – verses from the bible.  start filling your mind with things that never change and then when you need them GOD can bring them to mind. if you’re wondering what you should do in a situation, GOD will pop that verse into your mind.  you don’t always have a bible with you. 

when JESUS was out in the desert being tempted by the devil, the devil said, “JESUS, why don’t you turn these stones to bread.”  jesus didn’t pull out his pocket old testament looking for a verse that said, “don't tempt the LORD your GOD.”  HE didn’t have to pull out a bible.  HE just simply said, “satan, the bible says ‘you shall not tempt the LORD your GOD.’”  HE had it memorized and it helped him.  granted, HE did write it.  that does give him a little advantage.  but the fact is if you want stability in your life you’ve got to base it on these things that don’t change.

just a thought from the front porch…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very good wisdom....and exactly what I do. I've been under a lot of stress for the last several months and God has been reminding me of verses I memorized as a child....He never fails to be with us even in the hard times of life,especially when are friends are too busy to notice we could use some support. I now God to God first..He's trustworthy and availbale!