Friday, March 15, 2013

go for it…

question: are you doing anything in your spiritual life that requires you to take risks?  the bible says “whatever is not of faith is sin.”  are you doing anything in your CHRISTian life that requires you to step out in faith?  the bible says “without faith it is impossible to please GOD.”  faith is what makes the difference between existing and really living.  from going through life bored to death or going through life in the greatest adventure.  faith turns life into the greatest adventure that you can imagine. 

william carey said it like this “expect great things from GOD, attempt great things for GOD.”  so what does GOD want to say to you today?  here’s what GOD wants to say to you.  go for it!  when you know it’s the right thing to do, when you know it’s something you should be doing that GOD wants you to do, just do it! 

just an thought from the front porch…

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