say, “bill, how do i get more faith? i
just don’t have it.” there are two
ways. GOD builds faith in our lives two
tests your faith. 1 peter 1.6-8 (nlt)
says this, there’s a wonderful joy ahead
even though the going is rough for a while down here. [how many would agree with that? the going is rough for a while down here.] these trials are only to test your faith to see whether or not
it is strong and pure. it’s being tested
as fire tests gold and purifies it. and
your faith is far more precious to GOD than mere gold. so if your faith remains strong after being
tried in the test tube of fiery trials it will bring to you much praise and
glory and honor on the day of HIS return.
first way GOD builds faith in our lives is through HIS word, through the
bible. as i read the bible, as i study
the bible, as i memorize HIS word, GOD helps me to become more like HIM and HE
builds my faith.
second way HE builds your faith is through testing it.

here are
the four most common ways GOD tests your faith.
GOD tests your faith in lots of ways but these are the four most common
1. GOD tests your faith through
difficulties. we’re all acquainted with
that one. problems, pressures, stresses,
trials – difficulties.
2. GOD tests our faith through demands. HE asks us to do things that are
impossible. like feed the 5000. HE asks us to do things that we don’t
understand. demands.
3. GOD tests our faith through dollars. HE uses finances to test our faith.
4. GOD uses delays to test our faith. HE makes you wait for answers to prayer. even though HE’s going to answer HE makes us
wait until your faith is strengthened.
just a
thought from the front porch…
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