Monday, April 1, 2013

i have a hope and the hope has a name…

there are a lot of articles coming out talking about the crisis of confidence in our nation.  americans have lost hope.  study and survey after survey show that americans no longer put hope in their government.  they’ve lost hope in their leaders.  they’ve lost hope in their schools.  they’ve lost hope in the future.  when you look at the problems our nation is facing it seems some things that they are overwhelming.  they are unsolvable problems.  so what do we do? 

you do what you can.  you ought to vote when there is an election.  if you’re a CHRISTian it is your responsibility.  but let me make it very clear.  even though you’d better go vote, the hope of this world is not in a policy and it is not in a program and it is not in any political candidate and it is not in any political party.  i believe a lot of CHRISTians have missed this.  but the hope of the world is JESUS. 

colossians 1.27 (niv), the glorious riches of this mystery, which is CHRIST in you, the hope of glory.  notice “the hope of glory.”  our hope lies not in who we put in the state house but who’s LORD in your house.  our hope lies not in the man we put on the moon but the man we put on the cross.  i have a hope and the hope has a name – JESUS.  that’s what it’s all about.  JESUS.

just a thought from the front porch…

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