more common complainer is the “perfectionist”.
21.19 (tev), better to live out in the desert than with a nagging, complaining wife. and of
course husbands, too!
cannot please this person. i mean
nothing is ever right for this person.
it is never good enough for them.
their favorite phrase – “is
that the best you can do?”
27.15 (tev), a nagging wife is like water
going drip, drip, drip on a rainy day.
did you
hear about the lady in a restaurant who asked the waiter, do you serve crabs
and he said, “lady, we serve everybody”.

a man
said, “i’m dog tired” and his wife said, “well it’s because you growl all of
the time”.
perfectionists. nothing is ever
right. always arguing. nothing destroys the warmth of a home faster
than complaining. nothing destroys the
harmony of a marriage faster than complaining.
nagging doesn’t work. it just
makes everybody upset.
you ever thought that if your kids are complaining continuously, that maybe you
are setting the example? you taught them
how to complain.
make a
family pact that says, we’re not going to complain. in this home complaining is outlawed. your family is not perfect but it is your
family. and you’re not doing any good by
complaining. you’re not helping the
matter by complaining.
just a
thought from the front porch…
Thanks for sharing your thoughts based on God's Word. I love the humor you added to give emphasis on the character of a 'plainer. Here's a quote I just read today : "As long as we complain, we remain stuck in our problems. A thankful attitude brings deliverance and makes God smile!"
thanks for sharing. that's a very good thought.
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