There is a verse for every need, for every problem,
in the Bible. The more promises you
know, the more powerful your prayer will become.
So the question then is why don’t the promises
always work?
I was reading about a man who was a diabetic and he
read the verse, “If you ask anything in
MY name, I will do it.” John
14:14. So he said, “GOD, I’m going to
ask that YOU cure me of diabetes,” and he threw away his insulin and three days
later he died. What happened? GOD promised.
Why didn’t it work?

To understand what we’re going to talk about here
about coming to GOD with a problem, you must understand that GOD speaks to
people two different ways.
1. Universally – to everybody.
2. Personally – to individual people, specific messages for
specific situations at specific times.
The New Testament was originally written in
Greek. In the Greek there were two terms
used for the term “word”. “Logos” and “rhema”. Whenever you hear
the phrase, “the word of GOD”, sometimes it’s the logos of GOD and sometimes it’s the rhema of GOD.
The logos
is the word of GOD to everybody. That’s
the Bible – everything from Genesis to Revelation, the Ten Commandments, the
Sermon on the Mount, the Twenty-Third Psalm. It is GOD’s word to
everybody. It is the foundation for the
second type of word of GOD which is the rhema.
The rhema
is the word of GOD to you personally, a specific word, a promise, to a specific
person in a specific period of time, for that time only. We can only claim a promise when it is a rhema to us, when it’s the specific word
to us. I’m going to share with you how
you get that.
Just a thought from the front porch..
What you have said is so important Bill because too many people are taking the words of the bible out of context to their own detriment. I know of a nice lady who died because she felt that God was going to heal her and she also refused her medication, then went into a coma and died. Because of that, some have blamed God. But when you think about the whole situation, are people thinking that God didn't give man a brain to be able to heal through medicine and doctors too? Or is everyone only expecting miraculous healings?
Very, very good comment. Thank you for your illustration.
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