Friday, November 7, 2008


i think one of the main differences in the two camps running for the presidency this year was this right here, passion. oh i know that those on the loser's side really cared but i'm not sure that they cared quite as much as those on the winner's side. i mean it was deep what they felt. they had real passion.

i sat in a starbucks on tuesday and listened as 6 college agers were on their phones calling people to get them out to vote for their man. they really cared.

what do you really have passion about? do you have any at all or do you live a blah existence?

now i am a la dodger fanatic. even today i have searched on the internet for any news about who they may sign or who they may trade for. i have a passion for the dodgers and i'm not ashamed to tell it. i am a fan.

now i am also margaret's husband. we are going to celebrate on sunday our 34th anniversary. 31 great years. 3 not so good ones. but we stuck through and here we are. now it was tough in those 3 years when we had no passion for each other. i call those 3 years my jerk time. i was more passionate about other things and i almost lost my family and my relationship with GOD. and i was in the ministry.

do you know what i'm talking about, to lose your passion? i am doing a study on restoring one's passion. it is so important emotionally, relationally and spiritually. it all has to do with focus. and it is so easy to get off focus.

and i think that has what has kept president bush going through these difficult years as president. what he saw at ground zero on that day back in september held him steady even when it seemed that everyone turned against him. even now.

and i think that is what has kept those who have felt the rejection of others because of the color of their skin, those who have felt deep hatred because of something they had no control over and now today their common passion has brought them to this mountain that martin luther king dreamed about.

it is so sad to live a life with no passion and it is so true today in people who have no purpose, who are aimless, and who have no sense of hope. well there have been days even maybe today when president bush has felt that his passion was useless and in those days when i was off working 90 hours a week and margaret felt alone, and newly elected president obama felt when he was young and he was trying find acceptance from 2 different races but passion will hold on and has held on and must hold on in order for us to live the life that GOD has given us to live.

passion, yes i believe my dodgers will do better next year. i am a fan but i also believe that the most exciting days for margaret and me are not the last 34 years but all of the years that are ahead because GOD has a plan and a purpose for us and we are passionate to live it no matter the risk, no matter the cost even now with margaret ---- years old and me in 6 month turning 62.

what are you passionate about? what are you living for?

1 comment:

margaret said...

I agree passion is so important. Some mistake it for anger or other emotions but without it why bother? For those who have lost thier passion it is important to remember God can and does give it back. Restoration is His business and restoration of passion restores marriages, friendships and most importantly our Christian walk. Keep blogging! Margaret