Wednesday, January 28, 2009

but i can't handle it...

now there are some things in life that i can't handle and that is where my relationship with GOD comes in.  one of those times came in our move from vegas to long island, ny this month. 

we left vegas on a thursday with me in a 26ft. uhaul truck pulling a 6x12 trailer followed by andrew and stef in their toyota yaris, margaret & marcia (andrew's mom) in our mustang convertible and nate (andrew's dad) in my toyota matrix.  we had a great trip through the mid section of the country, staying in colorado, kansas, missouri, and ohio.  

in missouri  we started having trouble with the air condition compressor in the mustang and it started putting a lot of strain on one of the belts so we watched it.  it also started snowing in illinois and we drove in some form of snow the rest of the way.

when we got to ny city on monday night it really started snowing and the traffic was really bad. we had hoped it wouldn't be so bad because it was mlk day but it was.  we also found out that we couldn't take the truck on the most direct route to our home so by cell phone brett our son who lives in long island helped me find our way but we had to go up through the city and the traffic was really slow.  

now i wasn't concerned about all of that because i knew that brett and i could handle it but i knew that GOD had to help margaret with the mustang so all the time i was driving i was praying.

all of this was on expressways filled and slow and then we were directed down by jfk to a surface road for trucks.  i came to a light and it turned red when i was in the middle of the intersection and i made it though but margaret didn't because the belt broke on the mustang and everything stopped. there she was with traffic coming but a tow truck pulled up, stopped traffic hooked on to the car took it to a station left it and we went back the next day after they had fixed it.  

i didn't know what had happened until i looked back and didn't see any of them so i called and found out.  i couldn't handle the problem but GOD could and did.  

that is an awesome thing to realize that what i can't handle GOD can.  i sure am glad for my relationship with HIM.  i really am thankful that HE is there to handle those things that i don't have the ability to handle.

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