Wednesday, March 24, 2010

but will I be accepted?…

we are looking at the disconnecting because of pride. pride causes us to compare and compete with other people. comparing and competing are the twin sisters of pride. they destroy relationships rather than build relationships.

actually when you really look under the surface, pride is just another expression of fear, of insecurity. pride is usually motivated by insecurity.

when you see someone who has to boast all the time, has to brag all the time, can never admit when they’re wrong they are masking massive insecurities. when we’re afraid, when we fear being rejected we build up a wall of pride. we don’t let people get close to us. we hold them at arm’s distance because if they see what we’re really like, if they get close, they may not like us. and we don't want that to happen.

so we pretend we are what we aren’t and we build ourselves up bigger than what we are because we don’t think people will accept us as we really are. it’s just an expression of insecurity.

now if pride causes us to disconnect, what causes us to reconnect to people? the answer’s obvious. it’s humility.

pride disconnects, humility reconnects. 1 peter 5.5 (niv) says, clothe yourself with humility toward one another.

if you want to get dressed for successful relationships, always go out with the overcoat of humility. the bible says, love is not proud. that means anytime you’re prideful you’re not being loving. you’re not being loving in the relationship.

philippians 2.3 (ncv), don’t let selfishness or pride be your guide. instead be humble and give more honor to others than to yourself.

what is humility? humility is not putting yourself down all the time. it’s not saying, “i'm nothing. i'm no good. i'm worthless. you don’t deserve me.” that’s actually false humility and a form of pride. you’re asking for strokes.

real humility is not thinking less of yourself. real humility is just not thinking about yourself. it’s thinking about the other person more than you think about you.

just a thought from the front porch…

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