Tuesday, September 21, 2010

the benefits of failure…

we also need to recognize the benefits of failure. are there any? we usually think of failure as a negative experience. but wise people (like the kind in proverbs) learn from failure. wise people use failure to their advantage. wise people make the most of failure. they learn from it, they grow from it. they use it as a stepping stone.

did you know that one of GOD’s primary tools in making you the kind of person HE wants you to be is failure. failure is one of the primary tools GOD uses in your life to mold you, shape you, develop your character. we rarely learn anything from success. rarely. when we succeed we immediately think, “it’s just because of my sheer natural talent.” we don’t figure out why we succeeded. we seem to feel, "i just instantly knew how to do it.” we rarely learn from our successes.

but we can learn from our failures. and GOD uses those in our lives for multiple benefits.

how? there are many ways, but one way that GOD uses failure is to educate you. mistakes are a learning process. you figure out what doesn’t work and eventually when you figure out enough things that don’t work you’re going to figure out what does. some things we only learn through failure. it’s just trial and error. eventually we find something that works and we run with it.

psalm 119.71 (mes), my troubles turned out all for the best. they forced me to learn from GOD’s textbook. GOD’s textbook is the bible.

isn’t it typical that often our bible sets on our desk gathering dust but when the crisis comes, when the heat’s on, when the winds arise, we get out the bible and start looking for truth and instruction and comfort and support and encouragement. GOD says, “sometimes I have to use failure to get you into this book so you’ll start looking and seeing that it’s a textbook that I want to teach you.”

just a thought from the front porch…

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