Monday, April 27, 2009

we don't get what we deserve...

in breaking the habit of being judgmental i need to remember that GOD has been merciful to me. as my pastor said today, we all deserve hell but GOD has given us mercy instead. that is unbelievable but true.

james 2.13 (ms), for if you refuse to act kindly, you can hardly expect to be treated kindly. kind mercy wins over harsh judgment every time.

there is a principle that is greater than criticism. it's the principle of forgiveness. the principle of mercy. JESUS said, blessed are the merciful.

matthew 18 is the story of the unforgiving servant. he owed $50,000 to his master. his master forgave him. then he went out and found the guy that owed him $5 and strangled him because he wouldn't pay him. now when the master heard about it he took the servant and said, "if that is the way you want to play the game, ok. you're unforgiving, it will be unforgiven for you."

the bible says we're to be merciful because GOD has given us so much mercy. the reason why i have to be patient with you is because GOD is patient with me. the reason you have to be patient with me is because GOD is patient with you. that's the way it goes. none of us get what we deserve. if we did we wouldn't be here. it's all by GOD's grace.

and we take advantage of GOD's grace. we forget how good it is. when you first become a CHRISTian you understand how much you're forgiven. you are thrilled and you're really grateful for it. but the longer you're a CHRISTian, the more you take for granted.

kind of like the boss who gives everybody in the company a $350 CHRISTmas bonus. everybody praises the boss. the second year he decides to do it again – a second $350. by the third CHRISTmas you've already spent the money and thinking what is he going to do this year? if he didn't give it you'd be upset. we become conditioned to be ungrateful.

if GOD's been gracious with us we need to be gracious with others. the most forgiving person is the most forgiven person. once a person has fallen, made mistakes, realized it and faced up to it, you're a lot more sympathetic, open and forgiving, kind and loving with other people.

listen don't forget what you have been given and then give that to other people. remember, you didn't deserve it either

just some thoughts from the front porch...

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