this is an area every one of us has to deal with – a critical attitude, being judgmental. if you want to find some fault in somebody, you can. everybody is imperfect. it's all in what you decide to look at. if you choose to make friends in life one of the things you have to do is overlook their faults. love the good parts in them and overlook the bad parts. if you want to have a successful marriage, you have to learn to stop criticizing and questioning your mate's motives. look at the good parts in their life.
now why does james here in the nt deal with this? because it's one of the most common problems that we have. what it really means is we do what only GOD is to do. you see only GOD has the right to judge, evaluate and criticize someone. HE's got all the facts. HE's impartial. we're not. it's not our place. and it will be a liberating experience when you realize that GOD has not called you to judge other people but HE's called you to be accountable to HIM.
would you pray a prayer like this in your heart, "LORD, help me to quit playing GOD. help me this week to not be critical and judgmental, to watch my mouth and not gossip and pass on damaging information, but to build up others and to share only those things that encourage and lift up. LORD, thank YOU for YOUr grace in my life. thank YOU that YOU don't give me what i deserve but YOU give me what i need. help me to do that with others, to pass on to them what they need. i pray this in JESUS' name. amen"
just some thoughts from the front porch...
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