james in 5.13 (ms) gets right to the point, he asks a pointed question, are you hurting? and that is a good question for you today, are you hurting?
so many today are showing their pain by the piercing of their bodies or the tatooing of their skin. many are saying to anyone who will see and listen, ''i am in pain, i am hurting.'' and the question to us today may be better asked, ''where are you hurting?'' not are you but where?
so let me ask you today, ''where are you hurting? where'' and then what are you doing about it? and james has a suggestion to this fact. now it was a fact back then just as it is today. for the CHRIST followers to whom james is writing this letter persecution was a fact of life. and in fact they were hurting in so many different ways. so he gives an answer to them and an answer to us, are you hurting? pray.
now verse 12 gives another answer that many use. when they are hurting or as another translation (niv) puts it, in trouble. for many their option is to swear. many times when we're under tension, that's when we're tempted to swear. when you have distress in your life you have two alternatives -- swear or prayer. v. 13 or v. 12. two alternatives – swear or prayer.
so what about you? what do you do when you're hurting? i know it is so easy to just let go with all of the negative that has built up inside. and that is the way it is. what is inside comes out in times of trouble. it is easy to hide ones spiritual immaturity through good times but trouble many times brings out our true self.
psalm 86.7 (ms), says to do the opposite, every time i'm in trouble I call on YOU, confident that YOU'll answer.
so do you turn to GOD or to anger? to prayer or to swear? it all depends upon what you are feeding your life, the hope and power of GOD or the despair and fear of satan.
have a quiet time today. start your day in GOD's word. strengthen your relationship with HIM so when the troubles come you'll call on HIM with confidence.
just some thoughts from the front porch...
It is very difficult no matter what the situation sometimes not to swear. Yet as my faith has been growing and I am learning and understanding more I get it. If you are totally drapped with the word and God's Love is shown in your heart; No matter the situation you can refrain from the negative alternative. I understand it is easier to swear yet the reality of it all is being a Christian is not easy.
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