there are so many things that we give our life to building that will not last in our lifetime let alone for eternity.
we men are into building things, building our careers, building security and we say to the women why don’t you take care of the relationships.
now i understand that GOD has built something into us to be the provider, to be the protector but it is not just the women’s job, the wives’ job to build the relationships.
you see the relationships are what are going to last for all of eternity. relationships are what CHRIST came to earth to have with us. we all really need each other and that is why we need to spend time on relationships because CHRIST died for relationships. that is why HE came and that is why we are here. so men, we too need to work on this very important, if not the most important task that GOD has given us in our lives.
i’ll be honest, if i had to choose between being a success at work and a success at home, i would gladly choose the success at home. now i believe that i can do both and i have given my life to helping people do both so we are going to look for awhile here on the front porch at being a success at relationships.
1 thessalonians 5.11 (niv) says, encourage one another and build each other up…
so we are going to look at some principles on how to build each other up or how to bring out the best in other people.
first of all we need to accept each other’s uniqueness. you can’t bring out the best in other people until first you accept them.
listen, GOD made everybody different. none of us are alike. we’re all different. even twins are different.
brett my son has turned me on to something that is really great. i wish we would have had this back when brett and stef were kids. the newest book in the series is strengthfinders 2.0. the whole premise is that we need to be working in our strengths, not our weaknesses.
now each one in our family has taken this and it has brought so much understanding to us as we have evaluated each other’s strengths. GOD has made each one of us unique.
just a thought from the front porch…
Great post Bill. This is what I'm sure He is working on with me right now is His relationship with me. I'm sure that as I work this illness the things that God is teaching me will make for a truly amazing testamony that will glorify Him.
so true ross, so true!!!
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