Thursday, April 29, 2010

not just will power…

the real benefit of GOD's presence that not only cheers me up and calms me down, is that GOD's presence also helps me out.

HE knows exactly the struggle going on in my mind. HE's pulling for me. HE sees it coming before i see it coming. HE knows i'm walking right into it. HE's already preparing an escape route for me to get out of it. it's not just my will power but HIS power and HE's promised to help me. that's good news!

job 13.27 (niv), you, GOD, keep a close watch on all my paths. he says, close. because GOD is everywhere HE sees everything. listen, GOD is an eyewitness to every single thing i do.

psalm 139.11 (niv), if i say surely the darkness will hide me and the light of the night becomes night around me, even the darkness will not be dark to YOU for the night will shine like the day for darkness is as light to YOU. GOD has night vision.

the bible says, men love darkness rather than the light because their deeds are evil. a lot of things go on at night that don't go on during the day because they think they are being hidden. but the bible says, GOD sees everything. HE can see through the darkness. HE created darkness. HE created light. HE doesn't need either one. HE can see right through it. HE can see everything that is going on in my life.

have you noticed that it is so much easier to control yourself when you know other people are watching?

let’s say you are at a buffet in vegas... you see this huge bowl of chocolate moose. you think "i'm going to take the whole thing" and you begin to heap it onto your plate. then you look and see an attractive, slim lady standing next to you – and she has that look of "what a pig!" and you heap it back into the bowl! because somebody's watching!

or you are in school... you don't ever attempt to cheat on a test when you know the teacher is standing over you watching you. would it be a correct assumption, when you were dating, that you were less affectionate with your date when you were around your parents than when you were alone?

when people watch us, it is a motivation. well, GOD is always watching you. when i am tempted, HE is my counselor. HE says, "I'm making a way out. I'll help you. I'll help you control that anger or... " if you'll just rely on HIM. HE's there to help you out.

when i am aware of GOD's presence it helps me to maintain more control. i am more alert to the things i say. the bible says everything i say i'm going to give an account of.

have you ever had anyone swear in front of you or take the LORD's name in vain and then ask your pardon for it? i always want to say, "you ought to ask GOD to forgive you. it's HIS name you're using. HE's the one you're offending. HE's listening right now because HE's there." we need to be more careful when we realize HE's present at all times.

just a thought from the front porch…

1 comment:

nothingprofound said...

This is something I firmly agree with. Will-power is not enough.