Saturday, April 24, 2010

a friend on test day...

let me ask you to think about your greatest need. it may be an emotional need, a relational, physical, whatever. get that need in your mind and then let me ask you this: which of these four tests are you going through right now where GOD’s testing your faith in how much you’re going to trust HIM.

are you going through the pressure test? and is HE seeing how am i going to handle stress? turn to HIM or turn to other things to relieve my stress?

how about the people test? how are you handing a disappointment? are you complaining about it? are you griping about it? or are you realizing that GOD is a loving GOD and HE knows what’s best for you. maybe you’re trusting in the wrong thing because anyone who trusts in GOD will not be disappointed.

how about the persistence test? are you keeping your commitments? everybody starts off great at the beginning of the marathon but they start giving out about half way through. are you keeping your commitments to other people and even to GOD? it’s a test.

and the priorities test. what is first in my life?

some of you are saying, “i don’t think i’m going to pass this test. any of them. because i’m tired, worn out, weak, fatigued. i don’t think i have the energy to make this thing last.” what do you do?

look at GOD’s promise. isaiah 30.15 (ncv), this is what GOD says: “if you come back to ME and trust ME you will be saved and you will be strong.”

notice two things: salvation and strength. you’ll be saved and you’ll be strong. you’ll have the strength you need to do the right thing if you come back to ME and trust ME. that is a promise.

not only that, but GOD has eternal rewards in store for you if you pass these tests. GOD blesses the people who patiently endure testing. afterwards they will receive the crown of life that GOD has promised to those that love HIM. james 1.12 (nlt)

what is a crown of life? a symbol. a crown of life is a symbol of all that GOD wants to do in your life, all the blessings HE wants to bestow on you, all the needs HE wants to meet, all the rewards HE wants to give you in heaven. it’s all that GOD has planned for you if you will just trust HIM. it’s a symbol – the crown of life.

GOD has eternal rewards when we pass the great tests of life. when you depend on CHRIST when you’re under stress, when you trust GOD’s plan when you’re disappointed, when you keep your commitments even when it hurts, when you put GOD first in your thoughts and in your money and in your time (your schedule and your budget) GOD says two things: one, I will meet all your needs. two, I will give you eternal rewards in heaven. what a deal!

just a great thought from the front porch…

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