Sunday, April 25, 2010

a time to pray...

FATHER, you’ve promised to meet all our needs. but we often get in a hurry and we get impatient and we come up with our own plans. we try to dig our own wells. you offer us free, unlimited living water but instead we try to make our own plans and dig our own wells instead of trusting YOU. JESUS, i have no doubt that many people here on the front porch are having their faith tested in one of these ways. i pray that in the test they will turn to YOU instead of turning away from YOU.

would you just pray this in your heart, your mind, to GOD. ”FATHER, thank YOU that YOU want to meet all my needs. forgive me for all those times i’ve tried to meet them in my own way, on my own timetable. i ask YOUR help with the stresses in my life. help me to turn to YOU instead of to others or other things. i want to look to YOU and not others to be my SAVIOR and my HELPER. i want to put my hope and confidence in YOU. help me to see that my disappointments are a part of YOUR loving plan in my life.

also, i ask for YOUR help in keeping the commitments that i’ve made to other people and especially the commitments that i’ve made to YOU. i’m choosing on this day to give YOU first place in my thoughts and in my money and in my time. from this day forward. and i thank YOU in advance for promising to meet all my needs here and for the rewards YOU have in store for me in heaven. thank YOU that these tests are not in vain. in JESUS’ name. amen.”

just a thought from the front porch…

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