Monday, April 26, 2010

where is GOD today?...

if i asked you, “where is GOD?” how would you answer that? some would say “heaven” or “in my heart”. some people believe that GOD dwells in church buildings. we would have real problems if that were true. we as a church meet in a college theater.

possibly many of you in the past few weeks have had the occasion to ask that question, where is GOD, i need HIM, where is HE?

well life has a lot of uncertainties. and in those times when it seems that it has given you one of those “no way can this be happening to me” situations, the natural question is where is GOD when you need HIM?

the bible says that GOD is everywhere. jeremiah 23.23 (tev), I am a GOD who is everywhere and not in one place. do you not know that I am everywhere in heaven and on earth? the new international version says, I fill heaven and earth. there is no place in the universe where GOD is not.

theologians call this fact GOD's omnipresence. which simply means that GOD is everywhere. HE's here, HE's there, HE's everywhere. you cannot move apart from GOD. you wouldn't be alive. you wouldn't exist without GOD. it doesn't matter whether you're a CHRISTian or an atheist or whatever – GOD is what holds you together. HE is the cohesive force in all of the universe. HE holds everything together.

so if GOD is everywhere then what difference does that make in my life today? well for one when i'm lonely, the bible says, GOD is my companion.

are you lonely today? if you are you need to remind yourself that GOD is your companion. psalm 25.16 (tev), turn to me, LORD, and be merciful, because i am lonely. some of you needed to hear that.

there are many different kinds of loneliness. there's the loneliness of death of a spouse or friend. there's the loneliness of the business trip. there's the loneliness of a new school, of growing old, of the husband who won't listen to you or the wife who ignores you, the loneliness of the feeling that you're not understood. there's the loneliness of success – life at the top is lonely. there's the loneliness of being single. there are many different kinds of loneliness

the bible says that GOD said the first thing HE didn't like about the world when HE created it, GOD looked and said, it's not good for man to be alone. GOD doesn't want you to be alone. but it's something everybody faces at some time. so what do you do when you have those moments of uncontrollable loneliness and you can't do anything about it?

well, you recognize GOD's presence. HE is your companion. hebrews 13.5 (niv), GOD has said, “never will I leave you, never will I forsake you!” HE is your constant companion.

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