Wednesday, April 14, 2010

why doesn't HE do what HE promised?...

repeatedly in scripture the bible says GOD has promised to meet your needs – emotional needs, financial needs, physical needs, SPIRITual needs, relational needs, every need of your life. in fact, one of the hebrew names of GOD is JEHOVAH JIRAH, which means, “I am the GOD who provides for you.” over and over GOD says, “I will meet all your needs.”

one of the promises HE gives is in philippians 4.19 (ph), my GOD will supply all that you need from HIS glorious resources in CHRIST JESUS. that’s a pretty blanket statement. HE says, “I’ll meet all your needs.”

what does this include? everything. the problem is this. you look around and obviously not everybody’s need is met. in reality many times our needs seem to go unmet. what’s the problem? is GOD lying? is GOD exaggerating the point? why is it that sometimes my needs seem to go unmet?

well the bible tells us that with every promise there is a condition. there is a premise with every promise. one of the conditions for this promise is you have to trust HIM. the more you trust GOD, the more GOD is able to meet needs in your life. the less you trust GOD the fewer needs HE’s able to meet in your life. the bible says there is a faith factor involved.

matthew 9.29 (niv), JESUS said, according to your faith it will be done unto you. GOD says, “you get to choose how much I bless your life. it’s according to your faith. the more you trust ME, the more needs I can meet. the less you trust ME, the fewer needs I can meet.”

so the obvious question then is how can i learn to trust GOD more so HE can meet all of my needs? how can i learn to have greater faith?

well, faith is an interesting substance. you don’t get it by just thinking and hoping and wishing. faith is like a muscle. that means it develops by being used. the more you use the little faith that you’ve got, the more it gets stretched. and the more it gets stretched, the more GOD is able to bless your life.

we call the circumstances that GOD creates to stretch our faith, trials. and the bible says in 1 peter 1.7 (nlt), these trials are only to test your faith to show that it is strong and pure.

and the bible tells us that like fire when the heat’s on it purifies gold and silver that GOD tests our heart by putting us under the heat, those fiery trials of life.

just a thought from the front porch…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing thus Bill. It came through a a perfect time.