Saturday, January 29, 2011

the source of disorder and chaos...

the second kind of evil is called natural evil. these are things like earthquakes and tornadoes and hurricanes. natural phenomena that cause pain and suffering. these too are the result of sin having been allowed into the world.

this is how one author explained it: “when we human beings told GOD to shove off. HE partially honored our request. nature began to revolt. the earth was cursed. genetic breakdown and disease began. pain became part of the human experience.”

genesis 3.18 (niv) says, because of sin, nature was corrupted and thorns and thistles entered into the world. romans 8:22 (tev) says, for we know that up to the present time all of creation groans with pain like the pain of childbirth. in other words it’s almost as if nature were longing for redemption to take place so things would be set right again. that’s the source of disorder and chaos.

some people ask, “couldn’t GOD have foreseen that this was going to happen? that people would rebel against HIM. couldn’t HE have seen that in advance?” the answer to that is of course. so why did HE go ahead and create things?

i think the answer is, using an analogy, is like you being a parent. you knew before you had your child that there was a very real possibility that your child would endure suffering in their life, some pain, some hardship. they may have some disappointments in life, some failures in life. they may reject you as a parent – walk away from you and cause great hurt to you. and yet knowing the very real possibility of that you went ahead and had kids anyway. why did you do it? because you knew there was also the very real possibility the potential for tremendous joy and a loving relationship and a deep meaning in that relationship that you would have with your child.

and the same thing is true with GOD. HE knew that we would rebel against HIM. but HE also knew that many people would choose to follow HIM, would choose to love others, would choose to spend eternity with HIM in heaven. and it was all worth it for those people even though it meant for HIM the suffering and the death of HIS SON JESUS CHRIST on the cross.

just a thought from the front porch…

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank was great insight, I appreciate such grace upon you. Until all God's people come back to him in Complete obedience, and take our position in His son Jesus Christ as the salt of the earth, nothing will change thus the reason many Christians dies in such catastrophes.