in the dead-end situation you’re in right now, what are you expecting GOD to do? some of you aren’t expecting HIM to do anything. GOD works in your life according to your expectation. that’s called faith.
romans 4.20-21 (tlb), but abraham never doubted... he praised GOD for this blessing even before it happened. he was completely sure that GOD was able to do anything he promised.
the ultimate form of faith is thanking GOD in advance for what you’re asking for. if you wait until after it happens to thank GOD for it, that’s not faith, that’s gratitude. gratitude is when you thank GOD for something HE’s already done. faith is when you thank HIM for it in advance. abraham praised GOD for the blessing even before it happened.
when you’re at a dead-end thank GOD that the answer is already on its way. you may not see it yet, but thank HIM that it’s already on its way.
when JESUS was in jerusalem HIS friends mary and martha sent word to HIM from bethany that HIS friend lazarus was sick. they needed JESUS to heal him. bethany is about six miles away and it takes JESUS three days to get there. by the time HE gets there lazarus has gone from bad to worse – HE had died. that’s what you call passing the deadline. they buried him.
now JESUS gets there and they tell HIM HE’s too late. they said if HE had gotten there sooner HE could have healed him. JESUS said, “I didn’t come to heal him. I came to resurrect him” that’s a greater miracle.
HE tells them to roll the stone away. then HE shouts, lazarus, come forth. HE had to be specific. if HE had said, “come forth” all the dead people would have come out. HE tells them to take the grave clothes off and let him go. when JESUS walked up to the tomb, HE did not beg HIS FATHER to make lazarus come out. JESUS said, FATHER, i thank you that YOU’ve already heard ME. lazarus, come forth. that’s thanking GOD in advance and that is faith.
just a thought from the front porch…
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