Friday, May 13, 2011

how to get started…

there are a lot of people who ignore GOD’s purpose for life.  they run after fame, they run after money.  they’ll be disappointed in the end because those things are so little compared to GOD’s purpose and how long it lasts.  but there are a lot of people who do that. 

there are a lot more people who instead of ignoring GOD’s purpose try to fit GOD’s purpose into their life.  you take your life, it’s filled with stuff.  it’s busy.  there’s lots of activity.  it’s already filled to the brim.  and you take a “little” thing like GOD’s purpose and you try to fit it into your life.  you try to cram it in as hard as you can and stuff starts spilling out all over the place.  it’s a mess!  it doesn’t work. 

so what do you do?  you say maybe later.  you still go to church but you take GOD’s purpose and say, “i’m going to put it over here.  maybe after the kids are gone… maybe after i’m retired…”  GOD says, “don’t try to fit my purpose into your life.  let me fit your life around my purpose.  start with my purpose and then watch how everything else fits in.”  JESUS said it this way, if you’ll seek first GOD’s kingdom and GOD’s righteousness all the other things will be added as well”  just start with that.  clear the desks and start with GOD’s purpose.  then watch what HE does.  it’s what HE made you to live for.  not to ignore HIS purpose.  not to try to make HIS purpose fit into your life.  but to live for his purpose in your life. 

that’s a big thing.  living for GOD’s purpose.  that’s huge.  how do you get your arms around that?  how do you get started?

psalm 31.15 (msg), hour by hour i place my days in your hands.  that’s the only way to do it – step by step, hour by hour, day by day.  that’s how you get your arms around GOD’s purpose in your life.

some of you are feeling “i think i’ve missed it.  i think i’ve missed GOD’s purpose for my life.  the mistakes i’ve made.  the times i’ve said no.  the opportunity is that i’ve passed up.  i’ve missed GOD’s purpose.”  you may be feeling some massive regret right now.  psalm 18.20 (msg), GOD made my life complete when i placed all the pieces before HIM.  even if you feel like your life is in pieces and there’s nothing left, GOD still has a purpose for you.  you bring whatever is there to HIM.  watch how HE brings purpose in your life.  it is never too late to get on track with GOD’s purpose in your life.  GOD’s purpose centers on GOD’s SON. 

ephesians 1.10 (tev) tells us. this plan, this purpose which GOD will complete when the time is right is to bring all of creation together – everything in heaven and on earth – with JESUS CHRIST as the head HIS purpose centers on HIS SON.  that means that if i center my life on JESUS CHRIST, i’ll be in GOD’s purpose for my life.  that’s as simply as i can say it.  it can sound very complicated but if i’ll center my life on getting to know JESUS CHRIST, if i’ll center my life on what HE directs in HIS word, the guidance that HE gives to me, if i’ll center my life on being with other people who are trying to do the same thing, i will be in the center of GOD’s purpose for my life.

just a thought from the front porch…


Loomis said...

As always, Wonderful Post. Your blog has a very warm and unique feel, and I always love reading your thoughts.
Thanks for the insight :)

Bill Williams said...

thanks for your connect and comment, allen.