if i were to go out on the street and ask the average person this question, “what on earth am i here for?” they’d say, “i have no idea.” i grow up, i go to school, i get a job, i make money, i retire, i die. is that it? is that all there is to life? what on earth am i here for?
the bible makes it very clear that you’re not here by accident, that there is a purpose and a plan for your life. even before you were born, GOD planned what you were going to do. HE has a purpose for you. you can get in on that plan or you can get outside of it. HE won't force it on you.
ephesians 2.10 (niv), we are GOD’s workmanship, created in CHRIST JESUS to do good works which GOD prepared in advance for us to do. GOD created us to do good works.
the word in the bible for good works is called ministry or service. ministry does not mean something a pastor does. the bible says all of us are called to ministry. it just means we’re to do good works. we’re to serve GOD, we’re to serve others. GOD planned each of us to do this. if you’re not doing it you're out of GOD’s plan.
JESUS told a story in matthew 25 of the talents and in it HE gives some life principles.
one is the principle of ownership. everything i have belongs to GOD. i don't own anything. the bible says, the earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof. we just get to use it for 50, 60, 70 years and then we pass it on to somebody else. it’s really kind of a rental.
i’ve never seen a hearse with a u-haul behind it. you didn’t bring it into the world, you’re not going to take it out of the world, you just get to use it while you’re here. none of it really belongs to you, it belongs to GOD. many things are being perverted but all that’s in the world belongs to GOD. and GOD has entrusted us with property like the story of this man in matthew 25.
just a thought from the front porch…
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