JESUS told the story in matthew 25 – the story of the talents. and in it JESUS gives seven life principles.
ownership. everything i have belongs to GOD. verse 14 (niv), again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his property to them.
allocation. GOD has given me some talents. the word “talent” comes from this story. verse 15 (niv), to one he gave five talents of money, to another two talents, and to another one talent, each according to his ability. it used to be the word “talent” simply meant money. it was about $1,000.
the bible tells this story of the master who goes away and he says, “i'm going to give my servants some money to take care of.” he gives one guy 5 grand, another 2 grand, another 1 grand.
we’re all given different amounts. we all have talents. we all have different talents. everybody gets something but nobody gets the same thing and the amounts are different.
the point is there are no non-talent people. a talent is anything that GOD has entrusted with you. ability, strength, skills, physical health, family, children, opportunities, business situations, brains, personality, the fact that most of you were born in a free country – these are talents that GOD has given us.
romans 12.6 (niv), we have different gifts, according to the grace given us. you didn’t deserve it. GOD just gave it to you.
accountability. GOD expects me to use my talents. HE’s made an investment in my life and HE expects a return on it. HE wants me to make the most of whatever I’ve been given.
verse 19 (niv), after a long time the master of those servants returned and settled accounts.
this is a story that’s a parallel to the fact that one day, we’re going to give an account to GOD for our life. one day GOD is going to do an audit on your life. that’s one audit you’re not going to miss. HE’s going to ask you this question. “what did you do with what you were given?” you need to be prepared to answer that.
just a thought from the front porch…
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