1. ownership - everything i have belongs to GOD. 2. allocation - GOD has given me some talents. 3. accountability - God expects me to use my talents. and then 4. utilization - it is wrong for me to bury what GOD gave me.
the first guy goes out, takes his five talents and he doubles it. one hundred percent return. the second guy goes out and he does the same thing. he takes the two talents he’s got, before the master comes back he doubles his money. he made a wise investment and it doubled. the third guy comes along and he does zip, nothing. he buries it in the ground. he says, “nothing ventured, nothing gained. i’m going to play it cautious, conservative. i’m going to sit on my talents and do nothing about it.”
the master's reaction is in verse 26 (niv). his master replied, “you wicked, lazy servant.” i’d say the master is ticked! he’s upset.
now this is a parable of GOD. and HE is saying, “if you don’t use your talent, it ticks me off!” it’s not a good deal. what do you do when you bury things? you put it out of sight. you don’t want to see it anymore. you try to forget it. you want to pretend it doesn't exist. the third guy buried his talent and GOD says, you wicked, lazy servant.
if you don't get anything else, get this: i cannot please GOD by playing it safe in life. GOD’s given me some talents. HE wants me to use them. in order to use them and invest them i’ve got to take risks. HE wants me to take risks because that requires faith. and the bible says, whatever is not of faith is sin and without faith it’s impossible to please GOD. so the principle of utilization is, it’s wrong for me to bury my talent that GOD has given me because HE wants me to take risks.
doing nothing with my talent is inexcusable. GOD would rather have me try to serve HIM and fail than do nothing. “i’d rather attempt to do something great and fail than to do nothing and
listen, when i die i want four words on my tombstone: “at least he tried”. i may not reach all the goals and the dreams i believe GOD has given to me for my life but it really doesn’t matter. i’m going to die trying. that’s what counts.
just a thought from the front porch…
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