Tuesday, May 17, 2011

doing your best…

matthew 25.14-15, 19 (niv), again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his property to them.  to one he gave five talents of money, to another two talents, and to another one talent, each according to his ability.

GOD says, “it all belongs to ME.  I’m entrusting it to you for 50, 60, 70 years.  you’re to use what I’ve given you and one day you're going to give an account of whether you used it or not. I’m going to ask you ‘what did you do with what you were given?’” it's wrong to not use your talent, to just bury it.  playing it safe will not work. 

now which person is most likely to do nothing?  the five talent person, the two talent person, or the one talent person? 

the one talent.  that's true today, too. 

many of you would say this, “because i'm not a superstar i won't do anything.”  people say, “if it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing perfectly.”  i hate that sentence.  i say, “if ministry is worth doing, it’s worth doing the best you can whether it’s perfect or not.”  if you say, “if i can’t do it perfectly, i won’t do it” then you’re never going to do anything.  nothing in this world is perfect.  you need to step out in faith. 

i meet a lot of bored CHRISTians.  same place, same thing.  the CHRISTian life is not a relationship, it’s a routine for them, a ritual.  why?  nine times out of ten, the reason people have lost their spark is they’re sitting on the sidelines.  they’re playing it safe.  they’re not using their talent.  they’re spectators while the game is being played – the game of life.  GOD says that won’t cut it!

just a thought from the front porch…


Setyo-Utomo Said said...

Interesting topic. Like it. Thanks for sharing it.

Steve and Lindsey Austin said...

Fantastic, Bill.

Our pastor's wife greeted the congregation Sunday and this is the very thing she spoke of.

I have a friend who's 20, plays the piano and violin EXTREMELY well, but she is sitting on the sidelines. She's been wounded by life, and now she's in her turtle shell, "playing it safe". The girl has so much to give the world and Christ's Church. I hope many folks ready this blog today, Bill. Everyone has something incredible to give.

It's all about stepping out of the boat.

Thanks again,