Wednesday, May 18, 2011

overcoming your fear of failing...

motivation.  why do we play it safe?  why don't we use the talents that GOD has given us?  the answer is fear.  fear keeps me from using my talents.  matthew 25. 25 (niv), i was afraid and went out and hid your talent in the ground.  afraid and hid are satan’s favorite tactics.  “i could never do that.  i’m not qualified.  i have this fear of failure.” 

remember in school when the teacher would ask a question and you’d think, “i think i know it, but i don’t want to raise my hand because if i give the wrong answer i’m going to look dumb” so you didn’t raise your hand.  self-consciousness.  it’s fear that keeps us from using our talent.  you say, “i failed in the past so i’ll never try again.”  it doesn’t matter where you’ve been.  it matters what direction your feet are headed right now. 

peter and judas were two disciples.  they both committed the same sin.  they both denied CHRIST.  one of them went out, got depressed, and committed suicide.  the other went out, repented of it and said, “i want to start over” and fifty days after peter’s biggest sin, GOD used him on the day of pentecost to preach and 3,000 people were brought into the family of GOD on the day the church was born.  fifty days after peter’s greatest failure he has his greatest success.  he kept on going. 

1954 opening day of baseball season.  milwaukee braves playing the cincinnati reds.  two rookies were in that game.  the first was a guy named jim greengrass.  he got up to bat four times and hit four doubles.  four for four, an incredible start to a career.  but nobody remembers him.  another guy started his career that day.  he went 0-4.  he struck out all four times in the first game.  hank aaron had a slow start.  but who do we remember? 

never let the fear of striking out keep you from taking a swing. you keep on going.  you say, “what will other people think?” don't worry about what other people think! 

the bible says, the fear of man is a snare.  it's a trap.  often we excuse ourselves by pointing to other people saying, “he/she’s more talented. they’ve got all the ability.  if only i had ability like so and so.  if only i had the education/looks like so and so i’d serve GOD.”  no, you wouldn’t because you’re not using what you’ve got.

the point is:  just because i can’t do the spectacular that doesn’t excuse me to do nothing.  one day i’m going to stand before GOD and HE’s going to say, “what did you do with your life?  what on earth did you think you were there for?  I had a plan, I had some things for you to do.  it’s called a ministry. and I made you just right for it.”

just a thought from the front porch…

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